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Public Health

STD Preventive Medicine

Program Functions

Services Offered

Testing includes Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and Hepatitis C.

All services are strictly confidential and available for populations 14 years of age or older. 


Services available on sliding scale with no one turned away for inability to pay.

Information on Sexually Transmitted Infections

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a sexually transmitted infection?

A sexually transmitted infection is an infection that is passed during vaginal, anal, and oral sex.

How do I know if I have a sexually transmitted infection?

Get tested. Symptoms may appear until several weeks after you have sex with an infected partner, or may not appear at all.

What activities can put me at risk for both STIs and HIV?

What to expect at a visit to the Preventive Medicine Clinic.

The Preventive Medicine Clinic offers confidential testing. Please eat before your clinic visit. It is not necessary to fast before your clinic visit. Depending on the time of day, some waits may be longer or shorter than average.


You will be asked to sign-in and fill out form(s) with information about yourself, including your drug and alcohol use patterns and your reasons for coming to the clinic. It is important that you are honest in answering all questions regarding your health. You will be given a number and a HIPAA notice. You will be called by that number assigned to you throughout your clinic visit to ensure your confidentiality. 


Your medical record(s) are confidential, meaning no one has access to them except authorized Health Department personnel.


The forms are reviewed to provide you with appropriate services. There is a fee for our services. Please note, no patient is denied care because of his/her inability to pay.


A sexual health and medical history is collected. During the medical exam, a clinician will take specimens, which will be tested at our city lab. The lab will report the results to the clinic within 7-10 days.

Provider Links

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