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City Clerk

About Boards and Commissions


Citizen participation in local government is the foundation of our democratic way of life.  In El Paso, the city's goals are best set by public discussion to ensure accountability to its citizens.  City boards and commissions are the underpinnings of this process in our community - they are how our community navigates the daily and weekly decisions that make El Paso run smoothly and to become the kind of community we all want.  Citizen advisory boards and commissions are critical to maintaining communication, local standards, municipal planning and the direction the City of El Paso takes in providing these services.

As unpaid volunteers, board and commission members participate in government by analyzing issues through formal hearings and private discussions.  Each board is unique and different, with its own internal rules and governing procedures.

Volunteers are valuable to our community and you are encouraged to get involved, either by applying for membership on a board or commission, attending meetings, or working with current board and commission members.

Additional information is also available through:

City Clerk
300 N. Campbell, City Hall, El Paso, Texas 79901
Phone: 915-212-1212, Fax: 915-212-0050
E- mail address: [email protected]