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Benefits & Risk Management

Wellness Program

Wellness Committee

City employees created a wellness committee dedicated to educate, encourage, and guide City of El Paso employees to adopt a lifestyle by promoting employee wellness opportunities. The creation of the Wellness Champions is in response to the City of El Paso Resolution passed on Jan 6, 2011 by City Council. This resolution included the enhancement of an employee wellness program and policies to emphasize nutrition, physical activity and safety among city employees.


Wellness Program

Shape It Up

The City of El Paso has implemented a new wellness program to help motivate employees to live a healthier lifestyle. SHAPE IT UP El Paso consists of different components or plans that will lead city employees to a healthier and happier life. The program is available to all non-uniformed and uniformed police employees eligible to enroll in City of El Paso’s Health Plan.

Wellness Plan #1: Shape It Up!

Shape It Up! consists of a Fitness Incentive and a Biometric Incentive.

Fitness Incentive

Employees participate in six physical fitness tests where an overall average score is determined.

Where will you stand?

Look up your required test scores to reach the incentive levels in printable format here

Calculate your required test scores

REGISTER NOW FOR YOUR FITNESS TEST DATE - Please use your AD credentials to login. A confirmation email will be sent to your inbox to confirm your registration.

Fitness Incentive Application

The Biometric Incentive (Fitness Incentive Alternative)

The Biometric Incentive is the alternative to the Fitness Incentive program. Employees take a biometric test to learn their health status as it pertains to eight major risk factors that contribute to poor health conditions. Submission periods for this incentive are monthly.

Biometric Incentive Application

Wellness Plan #2: Fitness Membership


The Fitness Membership incentive consists of being a member of a Gym or Fitness Program and submitting your gym attendance for an opportunity to receive money by meeting the monthly requirement. Submission period for this incentive is twice a year - January and July.